By Laws

Article I – Identification

Section 1 Name

The name of the organization shall be the Lancaster County Industrial Safety Council (hereinafter referred to as “Council”. The official abbreviation of the name shall be L.C.I.S.C..

Section 2 Offices

The principle office of the Council shall be at the working establishment of the elected President. The Council may also have offices at such places as the Board of Directors may determine.

Section 3 Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Council shall end on the date of the regularly scheduled monthly meeting for the month of June. All annual financial statements and reports shall be made for the period up to and including that date.

Section 4

There will be no business conducted by the Council in the months of July and August. The first meeting of the membership conducted by the newly elected officers is the meeting in September.

Article II – Purpose

Section 1

The purpose of the Council shall be to promote safety in the work place and in the general society.

Section 2

In fulfilling its purpose, the Council shall have the following objectives:

a. To foster the professional well being and development of its members.

b. To develop and disseminate material which will further the interest of
the Council and its members.

c. To provide a ready means of united, intelligent and effective action on
all matters pertaining to safety.

d. To develop and promote educational programs that will assist and
encourage members of the Council in the performance of their duties.

e. To encourage, promote and conduct research in areas which will further
the purpose and objectives of the Council.

f. To provide forums for the acquisition and exchange of professional
knowledge among its members.

Article III – Membership

Section 1 Terms and Classes

Individuals may be admitted to membership in the Council in one of the following classes:

a. Member

i. Regular Member – Any person having an interest in the purpose of the Lancaster County Industrial Safety Council.

ii. Lifetime Member – Lifetime member status may be awarded, upon recommendation of the Board and approval by the membership, to those persons who have been determined to have made substantial contributions to the Council, its purposes, or safety, or to those persons who have fully retired from gainful employment by reason of age or health. Lifetime members shall retain all of their former membership privileges, including voting rights, without payment of dues.

b. Student Member – Students attending a College or University who demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Council, a bona fide interest in Safety Management and in the purposes of the Council. Student membership would have no voting rights, but could be appointed to standing committees. Student members will pay no dues.

c. Honorary Member – Honorary status may be awarded, upon recommendation of the Board and approval by the membership, to individuals who have contributed substantially to the advancement of the Council, its purposes or safety. Honorary members shall pay no dues and shall be afforded all of the privileges of membership, except voting, holding an elected office or serving as Chairman or member of the Nominating Committee.

d. Distinguished Member – Distinguished member status may be awarded, upon recommendation of the Board and approval by the membership, to those persons who have been determined to have made substantial contributions to the Council, its purposes, or safety. Members shall retain all of their former membership privileges, including voting rights, without payment of dues. To be
considered for this prestigious member status an individual must have been a member of the Council for 20 or more years. Distinguished member status recognizes Council members who achieve distinction deemed worthy of special recognition. It is the highest honor given by the Council. It acknowledges members who have attained eminence in the safety industry profession or the
safety academic community, and/or who have made unusually significant contributions to the Council.

Section 2

All matters submitted to the Council for determination shall be resolved and determined on the basis of one (1) vote per paid membership as defined in Section 1 of this Article.

Section 3

Membership in the Council shall not be transferable. Membership shall be retained by the individual or organization that paid dues.

Section 4

There shall be no limit to the number of persons employed by a company, located in or doing business in Lancaster County, provided a current paid dues status is maintained and said individuals are in good standing with the Council.

Section 5

Dues for Regular Members shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 6 Questions on Membership

A majority vote of the Directors present at any Board meeting at which a quorum is present should resolve any questions as to membership eligibility or membership status.

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1

The annual meeting of the Council shall be held on the third Thursday in June, and the regular meeting shall be held on the third Thursday of the month.

Section 2

Should any of these days fall on a holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next ensuing business day.

Section 3

Nine members shall constitute a quorum at any membership meeting.

Section 4

The proceeding of any meeting of the Council shall be recorded by the Secretary and shall constitute the official record of the Council.

Article V – Elections and Balloting

Section 1 Elections

Elections of officers and directors shall be conducted at the regular meeting in June. They shall be elected by members present, each member being entitled to one vote only, a majority of votes cast being necessary to an election.

a. Vote required – Each officer and director shall be elected on the basis of a plurality of votes cast for that office.

b. Tie Votes – In the event a tie occurs during an election, through two or more candidates for the same office receiving the same number of votes, successive balloting shall be conducted until one candidate receives a plurality.

Section 2 Nominating Committee

The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee no less than thirty days prior to the annual meeting. The committee shall consist of three members, none of whom shall be officers of the Council, whose duty it shall be to submit to the membership at the annual meeting, nominations for the offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and members of the Board of
Directors. No provision of these by-laws shall prevent any member in good standing from nominating any eligible member or members of the Council not selected by the Nominating Committee.

Section 3 Mail Balloting

The Board of Directors may submit any matter of Council business to the general membership for resolution by mail ballot.

Article VI – Board of Directors

Section 1 Number

The following shall be members of the Board of Directors: The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and four additional Members.

Section 2 Qualifications

All candidates for Board of Directors must be members of the Council in good standing at the time of nomination or appointment. In the event that the basis on which a Director was originally determined to be eligible for membership is changed after his/her election or during his/her term of office, or if individual circumstances are deemed by the Board to seriously limit the participation of a board member in the affairs of the Council, such change or individual circumstances may be considered by the Board cause for disqualification as a Director. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board may remove a disqualified Director.

Section 3 Election, Term of Office

All elected Directors shall be chosen as provided in Article V of these bylaws. Each elected Director shall assume office for a two year term immediately following the close of the fiscal year in which elected.

Section 4 Vacancies

Any vacancy in the Board shall be filled for the unexpired term by a vote of a majority of the Board in attendance at a regularly constituted meeting. Election shall be by a majority of the votes cast.

Section 5 Meeting

Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President at least quarterly, and in the case of the absence or disability of the President, by the Secretary. Special meetings shall be called upon the written request of any five (5) members of the Board.

Section 6 Notice of Meetings

Each Director shall receive prior notice of the date and time of each Board meeting.

Section 7 Quorum

One-half (1/2) of the total board membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act of a majority of the Directors present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the Board.

Section 8 Presiding Officer

At all meetings of the Board, the President or Vice President, or in their absence, a Chairperson chosen by a majority of the board members present, shall preside.

Section 9 Powers and Duties

The Board shall manage and control the property, business and affairs of the Council and in general, exercise all powers of the Council not reserved to the members by these by-laws.

Article VII – Officers

Section 1 Number

The Officers of the Council shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The membership may combine the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. No other offices may be
so combined.

Section 2 Qualifications

The President of the Council must be responsibly engaged in the practice of safety management, safety education or safety consultation. All other candidates for office must be qualified members of the Council in good standing at the time of nomination or appointment. In the event that the basis on which an officer was originally determined to be eligible for membership is changed after his/her election, or during his/her term of office, such change may be considered by the Board cause for disqualification as an Officer. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board may remove a disqualified Officer.

Section 3 Election, Term of Office

All elected officers shall be chosen as provided by Article V of these bylaws. Each officer shall assume office immediately following completion of the fiscal year in which elected, with no term limit applied to re-election eligibility. The President shall be eligible for re-election to only one additional term.

Section 4 Vacancies

A vacancy in any office of the Council may be filled for the unexpired term by a vote of the majority of the Board present at any regularly constituted meeting.

Article VIII – Duties of Officers

Section 1 President

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council and shall:

a. Give leadership and guidance in fulfilling its objectives.

b. Be primarily concerned with promoting the advancement of safety and the Council.

c. Be the Council’s representative to the general public and to other societies, councils, or organizations which bear upon the general field of safety or the interests of the Council.

d. Serve as presiding officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

Section 2 Vice President

The Vice President shall be responsible for assisting the President in administrative matters; and in the absence of the President, preside at membership, Board of Director, and Executive Committee meetings. The Vice President shall arrange the programs for the Council. The President may appoint a committee to assist the Vice President with the program.

Section 3 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive the funds of the Council. He/She shall keep all moneys of the Council deposited in the Council’s name and make monthly reports of all receipts and disbursements of the Council. He/She shall make no disbursements except upon approval of the Board of Directors and/or the membership. He/She shall present a detailed financial statement of receipts and disbursements for approval of the membership at the annual meeting to be held in June of each year.

Section 4 Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to maintain records of information relevant to the purposes of the Council and of interest to the membership, conduct official correspondence, preserve all books, documents and communications, keep books of accounts and maintain accurate records of the proceedings of the Council, Board of Directors and all duly appointed committees.

He/She shall receive all communications, suggestions or complaints submitted in writing from within or outside the membership, of whatever kind of nature, investigate same and refer the matter to the resident or Board of Directors for appropriate action with a minimum of delay. He/She shall perform all such duties as may be incident to the office, subject to the direction of the President and the Board of Directors. At the expiration of his/her term in office, he/she shall deliver to his/her successor all books, papers, files and any other property of the Council in his/her possession.

Section 5 Delegation of Authority

In the case of the absence of any Officer of the Council, or for any reason that the Board of Directors may deem sufficient, the Board may delegate the powers or duties of such Officer to any other Officer or Director.

Article IX – Parliamentary Procedure

All parliamentary procedures shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order unless otherwise specified in these by-laws.

Article X – Amendment or Revision of Bylaws

These by-laws may be amended or revised by ballot by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the valid ballots cast by the members. Any intended revision(s) shall be committed to the membership, in writing, thirty (30) days prior to the intended vote.

Lancaster County PA Industrial Safety Council